From Tie to Tip

Business customs in 41 countries around the world The publication presents the typical negotiating and contracting customs and dress codes in 41 counties, and provides useful information on subjects as diverse as changing money, transport, dining habits and holidays....

TOP 50 publication

The 50 most influential people in Hungarian tourism This exclusive publication provides a comprehensive picture of those people who have had the greatest influence on Hungary’s tourism in 2016. Tourism is one of the driving forces of Hungary, at least as far as the...

Official Budapest City Map

Working in cooperation with Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre Nonprofit Ltd., Turizmus Kft. publishes Budapest’s official, free maps printed in the highest number of copies. The English language map is the essential travel companion of foreign tourists interested...

Business Traveller Hungary magazine

Turizmus Kft. has published – on the basis of a British licence, and with special attention to the specific domestic features – the quarterly Business Traveller Hungary, Hungary’s only magazine for corporate travellers and travel organizers, since 2003. The magazine... magazine

Each edition of magazine published 10 times a year is read by approximately 15–20,000 decision-making experts, local government and state administration managers. Articles and background information published in magazine examine the burning...