Business customs in 41 countries around the world

The publication presents the typical negotiating and contracting customs and dress codes in 41 counties, and provides useful information on subjects as diverse as changing money, transport, dining habits and holidays.

There are places where nodding one’s head means “no”, and others where giving a watch as a gift is the worst possible thing, but it can also be that the right thing to do is not blow one’s nose but sniff, and in certain parts of the world it is customary to enter a restaurant with bare feet, while being late is interpreted differently in different countries. And whereas in the East ‘creative business solutions’ can generate recognition, in the West we might have to count on considerable antipathy towards the idea.

The book Nyakkendőtől borravalóig (From Tie to Tip) helps guide us through these pitfalls. It was published by Turizmus Kft. in late 2012.
